Saturday 27 June 2009


When you go to another country on holiday, it's a general rule that you set aside one day for pure tourist activities. On this day it is acceptable to dig out the bum-bag, the solar-powered fan hat and that little chord that holds your sunglasses onto your face. As we were staying in West Hollywood, it made sense to go check out the walk of fame but it really wasn't what we were expecting...

My main aim was to find Nicholas Cage's star and perhaps sellotape a lock of my hair to it or something. BUT I couldn't find it anywhere! Tourists are bad enough at getting around as it is without them having a constant reason to stare at the ground. Usually tourists walk around with their eyes glued to the tops of building and thier mouths wide open but on the walk of fame it was all upside down and even worse.

The shops were over-priced holding grounds for sweaty holidaymakers and were full of junk. I did see one good thing though...a Nicholas Cage $1 bill but it was $7 so i didn't get it, however it's with me in soul and spirit.

We got to the chinese theatre where I think I saw a total of 4 dressed up Jack Sparrows. Overall, the walk of fame was the walk of lame but anyway at least we saw it.

I think this picture sums up the dissapointment when you want the cage and you get the vida loca.

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