Friday 26 June 2009


This is not in order but i'm all for 'save the best til last' which automatically means that the worst has to come first. I'd say only 2 things went wrong on this holiday (Going to San Diego and eating a microwaved, mushroom pattie with a side of vodka cranberry.)

San Diego...
On Thursday the 18th we headed to San Diego on the Greyhound to spend three nights in a hostel by the beach. I must admit, i wouldn't have set foot on a greyhound bus if Seth Cohen hadn't gone on one in the O.C. But anyway...You know that awkward 'walking in late for assembly feeling?' That happened. We were late and the driver waited for us bit we got on and everyone had their bags sitting next to them like fabricy, boxy, children. We thought that a light stroll down the aisle might cause someone to move thier bag to make some room for us but they just stared and tightened the zips. luckily the seat at the very front (the ones the teacher and gap students sit at on school trips) had a bag without an angry keeper so we moved it and sat there.

We had to change buses at LAX, which was a pretty weird experience, the thought of a bus terminal never really crossed my mind. The vending machines didn't have water in them, and everyone looked weird. One woman looked like a pet rock with sunburn.

The next leg of the journey took forever and it was absolutely freeeezing with the air conditioning. About 2 hours in, me and Rosie saw the most terrifying snack of all time! This man got on at Oceanside with a sack full o treats and the Mexican family behind us got a pack of a Cheeto-esque snack, except they were BRIGHT RED! like devil red, and their corny, flavouring covered texture made them look a but fury. If you were to quickly glance over you'd swear that they were shoving stuffed toe sock toes into their mouths. it was GROSS!

The weather on the way down was really good and we had high hopes...of course we weren't expecting the four seasons from a hostel but we thought that if anything was bad we would just soldier through and take the piss. From the greyhound station in San Diego, we got another bus to Banana Bungalow. By this point the sun was on its way down and it was getting a bit cloudy, i guess it was a nice bit of pathetic fallacy that we should have noticed and ran. Walking down the street that the bungalow is on, we see this bright yellow box and try laugh off how shit it looks but it was to get WAY worse.

Through the door, everyone is having free hot dogs 'cus its free hot dog Thursdays guys' choosing to swiftly bypass that we go to the desk to check in. However, I was under the impression that when we booked online, we'd already paid, but apparently not, so we had to hand over $75. I don't think I have ever or will ever hand money over to someone so begrudgingly. We were shown to our room which was like a souked up, messy and army barracks. We had to get out as soon as possible, so we went to have dinner by the beach, which was one of the only redeeming factors of the san diego trip.

When we went back we knew we couldn't spend three nights there and we managed to get our money back for sunday night. We were in bed at 11 reading comedy (but supossed to be serious) novels from the comunity book shelf. the last page of one of them was so shit...something about slaying a wasp and the 'fragments of the wasp writhing in the dry sand' the author wrote wasp so many times, probabaly owing to the fact that the thesaurus isnt going to breing up any alternatives for her to use. Going to sleep so early carried with it the same concept as sleeping early at Christmas; the sooner we slept, the quicker the day would come and we could escape and spend the day on the beach. This would've been fine, except it was raining and cold the next day, it was like finding a croc mammoth in your stocking and we decided to JUST LEAVE!

Getting the greyhound again was not an option so we decided to take the AMTRAK instead. We ran to catch the 4pm train but missed it by 10 seconds,and had to wait until 5.55pm, which was fuckin tarky! The train was much nicer tho, it was freezing as well unfortch so I had to stock up on jumpers which all happened to be different shades of peach melba. My hair was fuzzy, I felt like shit, and I looked like an OAP from Florida and so....we got drunk. haaaa. best idea ever which gave birth to the best new drink ever, the MOUNTAIN JEW (Moutain dew and gin)

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