Saturday 27 June 2009


Ah yess, for the most part the people that we met in LA were frickin sweet, and really nice but there were a few socially retarded trolls/fakers/smooth-talkers. The best pair was found at Bardot on Saturday night. Me and Rosie were hanging out when this ridiculous chimney sweeping brush of a human glided past us. Rosie tried to touch his hair (for a joke) BUT it was taken the wrong way and he side-eld up to us convinced that we MUST fancy him. haaaa. I find these types of situations rare and very amusing. I'd never usually be nasty to someone for no reason unless they happen to be completely deluded in self grandeur, this guy was, so I didn't feel bad talking back at him at all. He brought out this big speech about how he was a wrestler and asked us if we'd like to go to his house to drink whiskey (and probably wrestle). OH DEAR! He was trying to hang off Rosie's face like an ugly limpet gasping for breath on an exposed reef and was smooth talking his way to gold. When she managed to release herself from his tentacles he came over to me and delivered the exact same suave talk all over again.

There was this photographer going around taking pics for the club night and me and roz were in a picture with this guy...(who was really nice and provided us with fire for the evening)
But then...the guy asked to take a picture of me and the pansy and he said..."Um no, sorry but people actually pay me for pictures" !!!! WOW. nice, real nice.
This comment pissed me off and we was looking at me like I was supposed to be impressed so i said, "Er what? hang on a sec...did you just...did I hear you right? did you just say people pay YOU for pictures?"
Then he looked soooo confused and freaked out that his suave wasn't working on me and said "oh, no, er it doesn't matter" haha. WHAT A DOUCHE I have a picture of him but I can't put it on yet cos I don't have my camera chord. But it will come.

As if this guy wasn't enough, his cousin then came up to us who also looked totally ridiculous. He had this super-dodge mustache which was all wonky so that he looked like a botched up Dali. At least they provided us with some sort of evening entertainment.

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