Tuesday 7 July 2009


Yes, I had hummus and pitta bread for dinner and watched a horror film this evening. Chickpeas and freaky children, what a mental night! I've spent the last 4 days deciding whether it's really worth driving the 0.8 miles to Tesco to buy...milk, blu-tac, gold paint, pens, a big piece of paper and a hosepipe. These things are not essentials but are materials that can provide me with more daytime activities. Mainly, drinking tea, sticking photos to my wall, painting my sofa legs gold and creating a massive yet intricate flow diagram for Bosie. The hosepipe is now useless, due to the rain.

Right now, i'm in bed and again, i'm thinking...shall i go to Tesco? Going to a supermarket in the suburbs after midnight I reckon would be quite entertaining. I really can't think what type of people will be there. Maybe a load of people buying sharpies and gold paint like me. Maybe i'll meet a new freind in the 'seasonal' aisle.

I've been going through my options in my head and trying to decide if it's worth it...(which it definitely isn't) and now I realise why I can't bring myself to go over there. It's because of what happened the last time I went...I was happily perusing down the shampoo ailse when they started playing THE TING TINGS and Cyndi Lauper! Get a grip Tesco! I think the experience was all the more traumatic because they kept shouting "will Sonja please come to the front desk."

I was in a heady scent of herbal essences fruit fusions with 'girls just wanna have fun' blasting from the ceiling and my name being said over and over again. That was at 4 on a Sunday afternoon, God knows what kind of things they play after midnight on a weekday. Think i'll stay at home! Will someone visit me soon!

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