Friday 3 July 2009


Me and Rosie have always been fans of the mirror pic, especially when the mirror is convex...

BUT, a drunken running montage down Sunset Blvd. can be just as entertaining.

We had just left Bardot where we met the slimy limpets which I mentioned before. It was a Sunday night, and we were hell bent on going to 'in-and-out-burger' for some fried onion treats. The road was long and pretty empty of pedestrian obstacles so we decided to indulge in some running pics.

Me aged 12 with Bosie my imaginary friend

Crack mom and social worker

By this point, it was getting a little out of hand and so you can imagine how embarrassing it was when a car full of people that were at a bar with us earlier pulled up. They must have been like 'errrr, what the fuck is going on with these weirdos!?' Anyway, they informed us that in-and-out-burger wasn't going to be open at 2am on a Sunday night and asked us if we wanted to go to one of their houses in Beverly Hills for some more drinks. At first, the head rush and exhaustion caused by the high speed running blurred our judgement and we hesitated around the offer, but when it had sunken in that we weren't going to get any onion treats we accepted.

That is what's so great about L.A, we can be complete freaks and people still want to hang out with us. It's so much effort in London wading through all the people who are too concerned with how cool they are to bother chatttting to ya. TAKE ME BACK!

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