Monday 27 April 2009

What in hell have I done to deserve all these kittens

So I would say I'm between stage 3 of 8 to becoming a crazy cat woman.

Stage 1:
A love (in general) of cats

Stage 2:
Personifying cats to the point where you think in depth about what kind of human they would be and whether you would invite them to a dinner party.

Stage 3:
An empty house with no cats, but and overwhelming desire to get cats by means of coaxing them in through windows with treats.

Stage 4:
A guest room that would be more fun to fill with cats that a human

Stage 5:
More time spent with cats than freinds/more cats than friends

Stage 6:
A development of asthma

Stage 7:
Buying kittens instead of getting married and having children

Stage 8:
Alone in a house with no husband, no children, acute asthma and a cat bed on every radiator

The naming of cats is a
difficult matter,
It isn't just one of your
holiday games;
You may think at first I'm
as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have
Three different names.

Sunday 26 April 2009

General Malaise

Sundays are SHIT

Wednesday 22 April 2009


Will E4 please stop giving away key plot points in the 90210 adverts! I watch 90210 on my laptop in bed. In order to gain sufficient air-flow and cooling advantages i have to put the computer on "The Encyclopedia of Things that Never Were" This combination does produce some amount of weight on my legs. So, you can imagine, I welcome a sudden unexpected twist or moment of apprehension in the episode which causes me to move into an (edge of tempur pillow position). Of course, if an advert shows me that Ethan is in a car crash I don't get this suprise-fueled fidgitting and therefore I don't get a break from the crippling pages of the encyclopedia. Instead, I sink back and possibly get my head stuck in between the iron bedposts.

Let's say I was to get by head stuck...this would result in a struggle that would cause the laptop to slip of its little book table, overheat and start a small fire on the duvet all while I slowly suffocate in prime N.A.S.A space material pillow. Oh and then moths and daddy longlegs will be attracted to the light of the flames and bombard my face for an overall undignified death.

I like surprises so LET ME HAVE THEM!

Sunday 19 April 2009


I Love Dorset

Saturday 18 April 2009


My life at the moment comprises of:

A herbal tea obsession

One continuous bad-hair-day
(Justin Lee Collins/Peter Andre/Center Parcs)

A 90210 obsession I ♥ you Ethan Ward

The invention of 'the cat jumper'
(one fury jumper and no guilt for picking them up)

Daytime TV, distracting me from working
40D, Distracting me from working

Hanging out on the Ikea memory of Minde and Skanka
Missing Klapper Skallbagge

Turkish coffee

Washing my hair in stinging nettle water

Short car journeys in King Chamille with Tim
(That's the navigation system, not a real person)


Keeping this up to date might not happen but this is (maybe) where i'll post non-fiction things. If anything of significance or interest happens it will go on here.

So far...for the last few days, nothing of significance or interest has happened.