Friday 25 June 2010


It's hard to believe for anyone who doesn't know Rosie, but occasionally her graceful, hands and long legs can actually end up doing some pretty clumsy stuff. Alcohol has been known to make 'her condition' worse. So far this holiday, I have to say, Rosie has been doing pretty well with a total of 5 acts of clumsy. A personal favourite was falling up the escalators in K-Mart and then dropping her sunglasses half way down to the bottom. But anyway, you can imagine my nerves skyrocketing when I come into the hotel room to find her lying on her bed with my new mac book pro on her lap and she had rested a massive can of coconut water by the mouse pad and was (i was like NO WAY MAN) TAKING A PICTURE OF IT! Luckily all danger was somehow miraculously avoided but it was a scary moment.

Here's the proof.

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